Accredited “Unggul” (By BAN-PT)

The Chemical Engineering Magister Program is a linear continuation program of the Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Program. This program focuses more on deepening chemical engineering knowledge and providing insight in accordance with scientific developments or the demands of society. Graduates of the master’s program are expected to be able to synthesize and draw conclusions from a research activity, in addition to the depth and breadth of their mastery of knowledge.


To become a leading and respectable Magisters Program in Chemical Engineering in Indonesia, as well as appreciated by the world Chemical Engineering community in leading industrial change and development national process in the context of Indonesia being technologically sovereign.


  1. Organizing quality chemical engineering maters programs so as to produce excellent graduates to make Indonesia and the world a better place.
  2. Organizing research activities in the fields of chemical technology, bioprocess technology, environmental technology, food technology, and renewable energy technology that produce outcomes that have the potential to provide national and international recognition.
  3. Support service activities to the community to meet needs society that continues to change according to the demands of the times.