Accredited “Unggul” (By BAN-PT)


To become a leading chemical engineering higher education institution in Indonesia that has received international recognition in supporting national development in the era of global competition in the 21st century


  1. Organizing quality undergraduate and postgraduate chemical engineering education programs so as to produce graduates who are competitive and able to carry out leadership roles based on their professional competence in industry, government, education and research, as well as other worlds of work.
  2. Conduct basic and applied research in an innovative and productive manner so as to produce results that have the potential to give recognition to Programs and Institutes at the national, regional and even international levels.
  3. Providing services to the community by acting as educational and technological resources so that they are able to meet the changing needs of the community according to the demands of the times.

Menjadi institusi pendidikan tinggi teknik kimia terkemuka di Indonesia yang
mendapat pengakuan dunia internasional dalam mendukung pembangunan
nasional di era persaingan global abad ke-21