The LPPM ITB Community Service Team Holds Training for the Inerie Village Community

FLORES JOURNAL | NEWS – The Institut Teknologi Bandung Research and Community Service (LPPM ITB) team returned to Inerie Village on 16-20 August 2023, as a follow-up to a survey conducted in March 2023.


The six people present from the LPPM ITB Team were Prof. Dr. Ir. Lienda A. Handojo, M.Eng. who is a lecturer from the Food Engineering Study Program, Ir. Sanggono Adisasmito, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Dr. Ir. I Dewa Gede Arsa Putrawan, M.Sc. from Chemical Engineering Study Program, Giovanni Arneldi Sumampouw, S.T., M.Sc. who is an assistant to the Food Engineering Study Program, as well as Azka Rasendriya Ansari and Yohanes Adrian Biku Pia who are students of the ITB Bioenergy and Kemurgi Engineering Program.
